AYC and the New England Cheer and Dance Competition
Teams from all kinds of youth organizations attend the New England Cheer and Dance Competition so we try to make the division options as broad as possible while still attempting to offer a somewhat level playing field. The levels at this competition do not match up exactly with AYC’s, so please use the guidelines below to help you determine how to register your team. Our goal is to have a fun, relaxed atmosphere, yet provide an exciting venue where teams get to compete against someone other than who they traditionally come up against at their league or regional tournament.
There are five different levels to choose from, based on the difficulty of the elements in the routine. Anyone competing at level 4 with AYC would want to enter the Diamond level (the scoresheet is friendly to both cheer-music and all-music routines). Coaches competing level 3 can decide whether to enter Gold or Platinum depending on the components in their routine. Level 2 teams would most likely enter the Silver division and Level 1 teams the Bronze. We ask that the coach examine the elements in their team’s routine compared to the description of the five levels to see which one will be the best fit. For a complete listing of restrictions at each level, please see the “Cheer Division’s Level Restrictions” form on the website.
General expectations for routines:
“Possibly” means if you have them in your routine, great, if not, don’t worry about it, they’re not imperative at that level. “A few” means less than 25% of the team.
– Expected skills include one or two-legged stunts at thigh level, two-legged stunts at shoulder level
– Possibly pyramids with braced one-legged shoulder level or two-legged extended level
– Rolls, cartwheels, round-offs, possibly walkovers or more advanced tumbling skills performed by a few team members
– Expected skills include one or two-legged stunts at thigh and shoulder level, possibly extended freestanding stunts on two legs, possibly inversions on dismounts
– Pyramids with braced one or two-legged extensions
-Rolls, cartwheels, round-offs, possibly walkovers or handsprings, or possibly more advanced tumbling skills performed by a few team members
– Expected skills include one or two-legged stunts at thigh and shoulder level, extended free-standing stunts on two legs, possibly inversions on entrances or dismounts
– Pyramids with extended one legged stunts, possibly non-inverted releases
-Rolls, cartwheels, round-offs, some walkovers or handsprings, or possibly more advanced tumbling skills performed by a few team members
– Expected skills include extended freestanding one and two legged stunts, creative entrances/exits to stunts, basic inversions, twist cradles from two legs
– Possibly pyramids with inverted non-release transitions
– Rolls, cartwheels, round-offs, walkovers, handsprings and more advanced/elite tumbling skills performed by some team members
-Expected skills include release transitions, full-ups, twisting dismounts from extended one-legged stunts, two-skill baskets, inversions
-Pyramids with release inversions
-Rolls, cartwheels, round-offs, walkovers, handsprings and more advanced/elite tumbling skills performed by many team members
Please contact Lisa Moskow, judge’s coordinator at 413-531-2095 with any questions and we look forward to seeing your team this year!