May 04 2016 Online Cheer & Dance Competition Registration New England Cheer & Dance Competition At the Reggie Lewis Track Center Saturday November 8th, 2025 General InformationProgram Name*Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Coach's Name*Coach's Email* Coach's Cell Phone #*Cheer/Dance Competition CategoriesCheer divisions are divided by grade and/or age. Select the division which represents the age or grade(s) attended by the vast majority of your squad members. Teams with their majority spread over 5th through 8th grades should enter our 'Mixed Level" division. Select the difficulty level: Bronze (B), Silver (S), Gold (G), Platinum (P), or Diamond (D) for each team competing. Please examine the descriptions of the expected routine components for each of these categories on our website before choosing which level to enter. Note the number of cheerleaders/dancers on each team, and write in an email address for their oral critique to be sent. Check ‘Club’ if your team does not regularly cheer at games. Dance coaches check off the 'Mat' line if you would like your team to perform on the matted cheer floor instead of the Marley floors.Select Team Division* Cheer Divisions College Cheer Divisions Dance Divisions Step Divisions Cheer Division TeamsPlease select both a division and a level for each team.Select Division*Tiny Mites (6U)1st & 2nd Grades/8U (Mitey Mites)3rd & 4th Grades/10U (Mites)5th & 6th Grades/12U (Pee Wees)Mixed Level (5th-8th graders)Junior High/14U (Midget)18U (Senior)Select Level*BronzeSilverGoldPlatinumDiamondSelect Level*BronzeSilverSelect Level*BronzeSelect Level*BronzeSilverGoldBronze Level Routine Restrictions: no single-leg skills at extended level no unbraced two legged skills at extended level (must be braced on at least one side by stunt/s at shoulder level or below with hand-to-hand/arm connection only) no unbraced single leg skills at shoulder level (bracer on one side must be on the ground, in a stunt below shoulder level or a two-leg stunt at shoulder level with hand-to hand/arm connection only) no inversions no basket tosses twisting transitions, entries and dismounts are limited to ¼ turn no release-style transitions in any stunts/pyramids above thigh level, and these require constant contact with a base/spotter (except those involved in cradles) twisting transitions, entries and dismounts are limited to ¼ turn no release-style transitions in any stunts/pyramids above thigh level, and these require constant contact with a base/spotter (except those involved in cradles) advanced/elite tumbling limited to 25% of team (any number may perform rolls, cartwheels, round-offs and walkovers) Bronze Level Expectations: (“Possibly” means if you have them in your routine, great, if not, don’t worry about it, they’re not imperative at that level. “A few” means less than 25% of the team.) Expected skills include one or two-legged stunts at thigh level, two-legged stunts at shoulder level Possibly pyramids with braced one-legged shoulder level or two-legged extended level Rolls, cartwheels, round-offs, possibly walkovers or more advanced tumbling skills performed by a few team members Silver Level Routine Restrictions: no unbraced single leg skills at extended level no inversions in stunts (inverted dismounts from horizontal positions with hands going directly to the performing surface are allowed as are entrances to below prep level stunts) straight ride baskets only twisting transitions, entries and dismounts are limited to ½ turn to/from two-legged stunts at prep level and below no full-ups, half-ups limited to two-legged prep level or below no release-style transitions in vertical stunts/pyramids above prep level, and these require constant contact with a base/spotter (except those involved in cradles or Swedish Falls/cradle positions) advanced/elite tumbling limited to 25% of team (any number may perform rolls, cartwheels, round-offs and walkovers) Silver Level Expectations: (“Possibly” means if you have them in your routine, great, if not, don’t worry about it, they’re not imperative at that level. “A few” means less than 25% of the team.) Expected skills include one or two-legged stunts at thigh and shoulder level, possibly extended freestanding stunts on two legs, possibly inversions on dismounts Pyramids with braced one or two-legged extensions Rolls, cartwheels, round-offs, possibly walkovers or handsprings, or possibly more advanced tumbling skills performed by a few team members Gold Level Routine Restrictions: no unbraced single leg skills at extended level inversions in stunts limited to entrances, dismounts from horizontal positions with hands going directly to the performing surface, and ground-to-ground inversions with continuous flow (ex. double cartwheel, chorus-line flip) no two-skill or twist baskets tosses single twist cradles from prep level from two legs only, no doubles no full-ups, half-ups limited to two-legs at extended level express-ups/switch-ups limited to prep level no release transitions in unbraced stunts (except those involved in cradles or cradle positions) no braced flips in pyramids, non-inverted release transitions allowed advanced/elite tumbling limited to 50% of team (any number may perform rolls, cartwheels, round-offs and walkovers)Gold Level Expectations:(“Possibly” means if you have them in your routine, great, if not, don’t worry about it, they’re not imperative at that level. “A few” means less than 25% of the team.) Expected skills include one or two-legged stunts at thigh and shoulder level, extended free-standing stunts on two legs, possibly inversions on entrances or dismounts Pyramids with extended one legged stunts, possibly non-inverted releases Rolls, cartwheels, round-offs, some walkovers or handsprings, or possibly more advanced tumbling skills performed by a few team members Platinum Level Routine Restrictions: no release inversions or fold-overs in stunts no kick twist baskets tosses single twist cradles from extended level from two legs only, no doubles full-ups limited to prep level no release transitions in unbraced stunts above prep level braced flips (released inversions) in pyramids allowed if flyer is braced on both of their arms advanced/elite tumbling limited to 75% of team (any number may perform rolls, cartwheels, round-offs and walkovers) Platinum Level Expectations:(“Possibly” means if you have them in your routine, great, if not, don’t worry about it, they’re not imperative at that level. “A few” means less than 25% of the team.) Expected skills include extended freestanding one and two legged stunts, creative entrances/exits to stunts, basic inversions, twist cradles from two legs Possibly pyramids with inverted non-release transitions Rolls, cartwheels, round-offs, walkovers, handsprings and more advanced/elite tumbling skills performed by some team members Diamond Level Routine Restrictions: Teams must follow the rules set out for them by their individual organizations. Diamond Level Expectations: Expected skills include release transitions, full-ups, twisting dismounts from extended one-legged stunts, two-skill baskets, inversions Pyramids with release inversions Rolls, cartwheels, round-offs, walkovers, handsprings and more advanced/elite tumbling skills performed by many team membersI understand my specific level restrictions and expectations.* Is your team competition only? (does not cheer for games)* Yes No Number of Participants*Coach's Name*Coach's Email (For oral critique)* Youth DivisionsPlease select team/s division and level.All teams registering for the Youth Division must send a copy of their application to their conference chair for approval by New England Regional Director Karen Pope, prior to November 2nd.* I understand Select Division*A Division (Midget)B Division (Junior Midget)C Division (Pee Wee)D Division (Junior Pee Wee)E Division (Mighty Mites Exhibition)F Division (Tiny Mites Exhibition)Select Level*P1P2P3P4Select Level*P1Number of Participants*Coach's Name*Coach's Email (For oral critique)* Dance DivisionsMassachusetts High School Dance Teams are permitted to compete by the M.S.S.A.A. Please Select Division, Style and performance surface. If your team would like to compete in more than one style please contact Andy.Select Division*3rd & 4th Grades (Mites)5th & 6th Grades (Pee Wees)Junior High (Midget)Select Style*PomJazzHip HopPerformance Surface*Marley FloorsMatted Cheer FloorNumber of Participants*Coach's Name*Coach's Email (For oral critique)* Step DivisionsPlease select team/s division.Select Division*3rd & 4th Grades (Mites)5th & 6th Grades (Pee Wees)Junior High (Midget)Number of Participants*Coach's Name*Coach's Email (For oral critique)* College Cheer DivisionsSelect Squad Type*College All GirlCollege CoedSelect Type of Music*Cheer MusicAll MusicNumber of Participants*Coach's Name*Coach's Email (For oral critique)* Entry FeeRegistration is due before Friday November 3rd. Registration is $120 per team. Payment need not be remitted at time of registration. Would you like to pay online or send a check?* Pay Online Send a check Please make check payable to: New England Cheer and Dance Competition and send to PO Box 1995, Brookline, MA 02446.Entry Fee* Price: Total $0.00 Would you like to pay online or send a check?* Pay Online Send a check Please make check payable to: New England Cheer and Dance Competition and send to PO Box 1995, Brookline, MA 02446.Entry Fee* Price: Total $0.00 Δ